Sunday, September 28, 2014

Here We Go, Go, Go, Go...

Trisha and I have been talking about starting this blog for a long time and now here we are jumping in.  Ready or not blogging world, here we come!  The two of us are very similar, yet find ourselves in very different situations.  Trisha is a teacher turned stay at home mom to her two beautiful children.  I am a teacher and a working mom to my energetic son.  So our plan is to blog about both of our worlds, the stay at home mom and the working mom.  We hope that we can reach out to those that stay at home, those who teach young children, and those who teach elementary.  Lets keep it real and honor the fact that no matter which category you fit into, your job is HARD.  It is all about finding a balance and choosing happy.  So we hope that you join us for our adventure (did anyone get the Cat in the Hat reference in the title??)
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